Monday, May 28, 2007

Happy Memorial Day

One of the newest sports to reach our provincial midwestern shores is the frantic search for “slightly” less expensive gasoline for our gas guzzling second (third, forth, and fifth in some cases) homes. Many of us think nothing of driving several miles to save a nickel on every gallon. Here is a website that allows consumers to let their fingers do the walking:

Give it a try!


Anonymous said...

I had to visit this site on two different days to finally figure out that a right click on the price logo would give me the exact address of the gas station. That helps alot! (and I assume that we are purchasing gasoline for our vehicles, rather than for our "homes" as the blog post suggests?! :-)

North Shore Home Advisors said...

Thanks for the clarification. Isn't it funny that as gasoline reaches new high prices and then falls back a little, we become comfortable with the slightly lower prices?
I guess our attempt at "tongue-in-cheek" humor in regard to our cars being our "second, third etc." homes was overlooked. We appreciate your participation.

About Us

North Shore suburbs, Chicago, Illinois, United States
We are The North Shore Home Advisors. Our goal is to help lead you through the maze of villages called the North Shore in an attempt to help you to make an educated decision regarding which of these villages best fits your needs. We will provide you with general information, resources,and guidance. We will discuss pre-school options, school districts, park district facilities, and places to have fun, eat and shop. We'll share insights regarding each of these villages. We are five experienced real estate professionals who have all lived in these towns for many years. We will discuss local real estate trends and their effect on pricing and inventories. Most important,we will be soliciting questions, comments and feedback from you. This will be a forum for exchanging thoughts and ideas. Please join us as we help you make your way through this exciting transition from city to suburban living. We can provide a great deal of value for you.